Monday, June 11, 2012

6/10/2012 - A Few Days of Reflection...

Upon further thought and prayer about other day's revelation concerning Josie's Tribute, I have concluded there is nothing of significance that needs to changed, nor anything I should feel contrite about. Perhaps, it is just a misunderstanding of what I'm trying to accomplish here.

I am truly a man who has never rode the fine line of convention; my make-up, which 
includes my disorders, have always put me outside the normal playing field. I used to 
dread this, because I was consistently forced outside the box by others, usually guys, who considered themselves "normal". 

Now, after many years have past, I know better. There is no "normal". My differences, my idiosyncrasies, my talents, and my gifts, are what makes me special in God's eyes. I no longer rely on what I believe the world thinks of me; rather, I try to live that is faithful to Christ. Any sense of guilt that others try to put in front of me, or unwarranted guilt that I might lay down on myself (which used to be far too often me) is of no spiritual use to me. Instead, I try to critically think through the haze of misunderstanding, and try to make sense of the meaning of things. I know I am not, by any means, the typical guy, who thinks somewhat superficially; I am a man of emotions, and I have always lived them fully, but it has only been with the help of the Lord that I have learned to use this trait wisely - as much as He leads me to do.  Of course, I make mistakes - I am not perfect, and never claimed to me, but I do know what such loving  friend is truly worth, and how I feel when they are taken away. And I know the value of such a friendship, and do know how to properly honor them, no matter what other's think my intentions are, because I know I'm right on this. I find no transgression, no slight here, just love and caring for a friend and her family, as well as others that the Lord might be lead to read this Tribute.

I do see the mistake in using Facebook now; I have taken that page down; but it's 
intention was only as a tool, as a means to reach others. I did not really understand that 
others might be confused as to it meaning. I don't see that same issue with Twitter; it simply would be a broadcast of spiritual ideas  and announcements, and not focused on a person's name. I will try that eventually, and I'm sure if someone has an issue with that, along with a valid reason, they'll let me know. I am very much open to that.

I have also decided to review the Tribute pages for any possible confusing 
misconception that others might have for it, and will make the appropriate changes. I 
know I do get a bit carried away with my art when I am experiencing heavy emotions; 
this was no exception.  But it would not have been true to me if it was otherwise. However, I will see if I need to tone it down a little, but I do not make any 
apologies as to it's intention or scope - for doing so would fail Christ. I just believe the time I spent was just a small measure of the wealth Josie gave me during those years, and I feel it honors her memory in a way she and the Lord would have wanted. 

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